Sell K2K products on E-commerce
In this article, you will learn about to how to sell K2K Products on E-commerce.
User Roles: Accounts Receivables, Administrator, Credit Manager, Sales Manager, and Setup.
This guide primarily benefits buying companies (BC) using K2K to sell products online.
To start selling K2K products on e-commerce, you will need to:
Create an E-commerce customer in the system.
To learn how, read Create an E-commerce CustomerConfigure E-commerce settings and the Vendor Availability Settings.
To learn how, read E-Commerce Settings
Once the customers and users are set up, they are ready to purchase E-commerce products coming from the K2K integration.
When you share the K2K inventory, only the companies with active K2K connections can display it. To learn more, read Identify and Request K2K Connections
The price of K2K products is calculated as: product cost + freight charge + company's GPM.
If a price list or customer's markup has been associated, it will also be taken into account.
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