Purchase Order Workflow

Purchase Order Workflow


 This setting enables you to customize the workflow for the POs so they are approved or confirmed automatically.

Purchase Order Statuses

  • Pending Approval: PO's pending to be approved by procurement.
  • Approved: The status of the PO will turn to green with the letter (A). This means that the vendor will be able to see it the Confirm POs tab.
  • Confirmed by Vendor: Once the PO is approved by procurement, there are two cases in which the PO can be confirmed:
    If the vendor has access to the vendor portal, they can confirm the PO in the vendor portal.
    If the vendor doesn't have access to the vendor portal, procurement can confirm them under "Actions" column, click on "Confirm". The status will change to "Confirmed by Farm" (CF).
  • Send to Cargo Master: If the company works with Cargo Master, once the PO is approved, it can be sent to Cargo Master and the status change to "Sent to Cargomaster" (SC).
  • Cancel: the status will change to "Canceled" (CA).


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