Featured Products FAQs

Featured Products FAQs

In this article, you will find common questions about Featured Products.

General Questions

Featured Products is a new way to showcase your best sellers or specific product boxes you want to promote on our e-commerce platform's homepage. This carousel will grab customer attention and drive sales.

The Featured Products section appears on the initial homepage load. It disappears if filters are applied but reappears when filters are cleared.

Products can be chosen based on various factors, but here are some examples: Most sold of the week, Popular products, or Vendor's choice

We offer several ways to choose your Featured Products, considering we only sell flowers by the box. Here are some ideas to inspire you, but feel free to choose what works best for your business:

  • Showcase what's popular.

    • Top Choice / Most Sold Boxes: Promote your best-selling boxes to capitalize on proven customer favorites.

  • Highlight what's fresh.

    • Seasonal Items (e.g., Spring Mix, Summer Brights): Featured products that correspond with current seasons or holidays to capitalize on seasonal buying trends.

  • Promote what's unique.

    • Farm's Choice: Feature unique or limited-edition selections from specific farms to offer something special.

    • Selection of the Week: Curate special themed flowers for a limited time, like "Romantic Roses" or "Tropical Paradise."

  • Drive sales with special offers.

    • Discount: Promote special deals and sales on specific products to clear inventory or boost sales.

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Technical and Setup Questions

The carousel can show between 4 and 8 products, but the exact number is chosen based on what works best for customer engagement.

Yes. Products must have a price (in the pricing screen), should not be on hold, and must be in the On Hand, Future Sales, or K2K inventory. 

Featured Product cards display a single image of the product, its name, and the price (only one price line is shown, even if there are multiple options). No resale price or Mark Code is displayed.

Even without an image, you can still feature a product. However, it will appear with a generic placeholder image (usually gray) in the e-commerce carousel.

generic placeholder image

Therefore, we highly recommend adding an image for your featured product to improve the presentation and customer experience.

The available quantity reflects the current inventory type (on-hand, future sales, or K2K) with any set Qty Cap applied. The system prioritizes showing available stock in this order: On-hand (OH) > Futures Sales (FS) > K2K.

Yes! You can update your Featured Products as often as you like. This allows you to showcase your latest offerings, promote seasonal items, or adjust based on sales trends.

Just go to Enable featured products and follow the instructions.

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Support and Assistance

  • Our Support team is ready to assist you with questions or concerns about this. You can reach us via email at support@kometsales.com.

  • If you are currently implementing Komet Sales with the Implementations team, they are available to support onboarding as well.

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