Create Standalone POs From Excel

Create Standalone POs From Excel


Komet Sales allows to use an Excel file with a certain structure in order to upload Purchase Orders into the system. The Purchase Orders created will have a "Confirmed" status unless a AWB number is specified in the file, if the AWB is entered the PO will have a "Shipped" status.



To Keep in Mind

  • In the case of products with breakdown, it is important to point out that if any of them cannot be uploaded, the whole breakdown will not be uploaded.
  • If the user edits a product line that could not be uploaded in a first attempt and tries to upload it again, the product will not be consolidated in the previous PO, but the system will create a new PO for it.
  • If for any reason the system cannot find a valid Product Description or Vendor Product Alias, the product will not be uploaded.
  • If the vendor has the setting Enable Temporary AWB set up, a AWB Temporary will be created and the boxes will have a Shipped status, even if an AWB is not specified in the Excel file.
  • If several product lines can not be uploaded, this might be due to a single product line. Review the explanation in the Message Results column of the Excel file that we will send you with the results of the process.


This action can also be carried out from the Setup>>Data Import screen. Vendors can also upload POs if the setting Allow creating POs is enabled for them.

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