Modify Shipped K2K Purchase Orders

Modify Shipped K2K Purchase Orders

In this article you will learn how to modify K2K Purchase Orders after they are shipped to synchronize your reconciliation process.

User roles: Admin, Procurement Manager, Procurement User, and Sales Manager.

What can I Change?

You can change POs from a K2K transaction after an AWB is added to the PO. The information you can modify is the following:

  1. Product

  2. Boxes

  3. Box Type

  4. Unit Type

  5. Bunches

  6. St/Bun

  7. Cost

  8. Break down

  9. Add UPC information

  10. Add Mark Code

These changes only apply to your company's PO, not your Vendor's.

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Modify Shipped K2K Orders

To make changes to a shipped K2K Purchase Order, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Purchase Orders and select PO Summary.

  2. Search the PO.

  3. Click on the button in the Actions column.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Make the modifications.

  6. Click on Save.

Changes will not apply to the AWB and vendor order. If you want to affect the shipment, please make the change from the Staging Area.

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Changes will only apply to your company’s PO.


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