Upload Vendor Invoices

Upload Vendor Invoices

In this article you will learn how to upload vendor invoices into Komet Sales. You can do this manually or automatically.

Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin, Accounts Payable, Procurement Manager, Procurement User.

Manually Upload Vendor Invoices

To manually add invoices and additional charges to the purchase order, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to A/P and select PO Reconciliation.

  2. Search the PO of the invoice you will upload.

  3. Hover on the Vendor’s Invoice column of the PO and click on Upload. The Upload Invoice window will pop up.

  4. Enter the Invoice number and the total invoice amount.

  5. Optional: Add additional charges. For more information, read Add Additional Charges.

  6. Upload the invoices in the Drag your file here or click to upload section.

    • Valid formats: .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .png, .jpeg, .pdf, .tif, .csv, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .xps, .oxps, and .txt

  7. Ensure that the PO total corresponds to the total of the associated invoices. 

  8. Click on Save. The invoice will be listed below in the Invoice Summary section.

  9. Optional: Approve the invoices. To learn more, read Approve Vendor Invoices.

  10. Click on Close to finish.

The invoices will be associated with the purchase order; if you want to review them or upload another invoice, hover over the Vendor’s Invoice column and select the option from the tooltip.

The Vendor Invoice Status column will display the invoice being at the earliest stage in the workflow of the PO.

Once the vendors upload the invoice, it must be approved by procurement and accounting users through the PO Reconciliation process.

You can transfer these invoices to your External Accounting System if integrated with Komet Sales.  

For more information refer to our article: Approve Vendor Invoices.

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Manage Invoices

By clicking on the drop-down menu, in the Actions column, you can Approve Edit, Delete, or Download the uploaded file (these options will depend on the invoice Status). For example, only invoices with AA or AP status could be modified, edited, or deleted.

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Add Additional Charges

Keep in mind that the additional charges should not exceed the total of the invoice. Just enter the amount and hit the Enter key. Once you have finished, click on Close. The additional charges with the same description will be consolidated in the PO Reconciliation screen as additional PO charges.

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Automatically Upload Vendor Invoices

To activate this feature, there is a setting that enables the automatic creation of invoices for your K2K connections.

To enable this setting, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Click on Sales Settings from the K2K group of settings.

  3. Enable the setting Allow Invoices coming from K2K orders to be Automatically uploaded.

  4. Click on Save.

When this setting is enabled, the system will automatically synchronize Vendor Invoice information (Amount, Invoice #, and PDF) into the PO reconciliation process in the Buyer Account. These invoices will have a “pending approval by procurement (AP)” status.

Updated Invoices

If the Vendor updates the invoice, the system will display a warning sign in the Vendor Invoice column. You can download and review it from the order details. Click on the Magnifying glass icon and the warning sign; click on Upload Invoice to see the new invoice, and the system will change the status to AP.

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Enable automatic invoice upload from the K2K Sales settings.


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