Problems when Sending Shipping Information Through EDI
There might be a variety of reasons why shipping information cannot be sent through EDI to Armellini System (AELIS4). This article explains the most common issues and their solution.
Successful Upload
The user that sends the EDI will receive a confirmation via email (either for successful or failed transactions). The same email will be sent to the users specified in the "Copy Response to" field during theĀ EDI setup.
Process Failed
Komet Sales EDI service is down:
Armellini System is down
Logs Report
In case there are discrepancies, an attached file will also be sent. Keep in mind that in some cases, the discrepancies are not really errors, so you won't have to do anything for those.
If this message appears, that means that the boxes had already been sent, so it's not necessary to do anything.
Detail #1
Consignee Name: Komet Sales - Medellin
Consignee: B110130
Message: The Unit ID was already received
Quantity Failed: 3
If this message appears, this means that the product name in Komet exceeds 30 characters and is not allowed in Aelis4. Contact us atĀ
Detail #2
Consignee Name: Komet Sales - SAN ANTONIO
Consignee: F129100
Message: The product description length is not valid
Quantity Failed: 1
When this message appears, contact Armellini support so they can assign days of service to the consignee.
Detail #3
Consignee Name: Komet Sales - Miami
Consignee: F110186
Message: The Consignee doesn't have Days of Service for the 09/12/19 (Thursday)
Quantity Failed: 1
The box dimensions are not correctly set (=0)
Detail #4
Consignee Name:
Consignee: B110230
Message: The min value for the length is 0.1
Quantity Failed: 2
The characters on the AWB exceed the 15 characters. Contact us atĀ
Detail #5
Consignee Name:
Consignee: B110230
Message: The AWB length is not valid
Quantity Failed: 15