Add a Credit Card to your E-Commerce Account
In this article, you will learn how to Add a Credit Card to your E-Commerce Account.
User Roles: E-commerce Customers.
If your supplier uses KometPayments Integration, you can streamline your payments by adding credit cards to your account.
Table of Contents
Add a Credit Card to your E-Commerce Account
Adding a credit card to your e-commerce account can streamline the checkout process for future purchases. To Add a credit card, do the following instructions:
Login into your Komet e-commerce account.
Go to the My Account tab and selectĀ Manage Payment Methods.
Click on the Add New button.
Enter the credit cardĀ information.
Click on Save.
How to Delete a Credit Card
To delete a credit card or other payment method you no longer use from your e-commerce account, do the following instructions:
Log in to your Komet e-commerce account.
Go to the My Account tab and select Manage Payment Methods.
Identify the card or payment method you want to delete and click on the "X".
Select Yes, Delete in the confirmation window.
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How to Allow Salespeople to Manage Customer Credit Cards (Knowledge Base)
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