Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

In this article, you will learn how to set up the Shipper Accounts in Komet Sales to automatically transmit EDI information to your carriers. This is necessary if you ship via Armellini Air Express, Armellini Express Lines, APM, Elite, Floral Trade, Florida Beauty, Logistik Alliance, or Prime Floral.

User Roles: Admin and Setup.

You can get the information you need to setup the EDI by calling your Carrier and asking for your EDI Setup Information.

EDI Setup

Main Location / Single Location Setup

To set up the shipper accounts in a single location company, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Click on EDI Shipper Accounts from the Integrations groups.

  3. Select the Carrier you want to set up from the Carrier Tabs.

  4. Fill out the form with the Shipper Account information.

  5. Add the email addresses to which the system should send copies of every EDI response by the active carriers.

  6. Click on Save.

During the EDI setup, you can enable the setting Only Scanned Boxes. This setting allows the user sending the shipping information to decide whether to include only scanned boxes in the EDI process.


Main Location / Single Location Shipper Account Setup

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Multi-Location Setup

If you have a Multi-Location Company, you must add a Shipper ID for each Location, do the following instructions to set up each location with its own Shipping Accounts:

  1. Go to Setup and select Locations.

  2. Search the Location you are setting up.

  3. Click on Edit from the Actions column.

  4. Fill out the Account Numbers in the Shipping Accounts section.

  5. Click on Save.

Multi-Location Shipper ID Setup is done in the Setup > Location screen.

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Add the Carrier Account Number

Main Location / Single Location Setup

To set up the carrier account number in a single location company, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Customers.

  2. Search the Customer you are editing.

  3. Click on Edit from the actions column.

  4. Click on the Days of Service tab.

  5. Search the Carrier with which you are adding your account number.

  6. Enter your Account #.

  7. Click on Save.

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Multi-Location Setup

The account number can be set up for each carrier based on location. The steps are the same way as described above for a single location. The only difference is that the list of locations associated with the customer will appear on the left side of the screen. Repeat the same process for each location for other carriers that require an account.

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Setup an Armellini Shipper Account for a Customer

Some users may need to set up a specific Shipper Account for Armellini instead of the general Company's Shipper Account setup above. To do that, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to Setup and select Customers.

  2. Search the Customer you are editing.

  3. Click on Edit from the actions column.

  4. Click on Advanced in the Show Fields option in the Setup tab.

  5. Enter the account number in the Armellini Shipping Account Number field.

  6. Click on Save.

Once the Shipper Account has been set up, the system will send an EDI in a separate file to Armellini with the information of the customers having that specific Armellini Shipper Account and the company's general EDI Shipper Account information for all customers who don't have a specific shipper account set up.


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Set Up Additional Carriers (APM)

To set up the shipper accounts, do the following instructions:

  1. Contact the carrier company to request your Shipper ID, Token, and Consignee List:

    1. APM Logistics & Transportation. Contact Luis Gil (jr@joseraul.us).

  2. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  3. Click on EDI Shipper Accounts from the Integrations groups.

  4. Click on the Others tab.

  5. Click on Configure New EDI.

  6. Select the Carrier Company EDI you are using.

  7. Multi-Location Companies: Select the location you are setting up from the dropdown menu.

  8. Fill out the form with the Shipper Account information.

  9. Add the email addresses to which the system should send copies of every EDI response by the active carriers.

  10. Click on Save.


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