Add or Edit Additional Charges

Add or Edit Additional Charges


Additional Charges can be added/edited directly on the PO Reconciliation screen in case these were not added when the PO was originally created.


Keep in mind that Komet Sales allows you to manage the columns shown on the PO Reconciliation screen. This way you can add the Additional Charges column to view it, as well as others, by clicking on the gear settings icon.

Only Procurement, Accounting, and Admins roles will have access to this screen. Also, selecting the "Allow invoices approval from reconciliation screens" user option is required for a user to be able to submit approvals on this screen. This option can be set from Set Up > Users > Edit > Options.


To get started, follow the steps below:

Additional Charges Processing

The system takes a moment to process additional charges. This is important since the system will prevent Sending POs if additional charges are still being processed.

Updating additional charges will be blocked once the Vendor Invoice Status of the PO is set to "A" (Approved). If the Vendor Invoice Status is "A" the system will show the error message displayed on the image below.

  • Once the additional charges are updated, the system re-calculates the per unit landed cost of all the products that are in the Staging Area, Inventory or already invoiced , regardless whether the product is in units or boxes.

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