Enter Additional Charges in Prebooks and Standing Orders
In this article, you will learn how to associate additional charges to new and existing Prebooks and Standing orders.
User Roles: Fulfillment, Admin, Sales Manager, Sales, Allocations, and Procurement Manager.
These charges will show in the invoice. If there are already charges on your invoice that match the additional charges you've added, the system will only keep the one with the higher value. The system will not duplicate the charges on your invoice.
This transfer of additional charges applies to the following options:
Automatic Biling upon confirmation from the Staging Area.
Automatic Billingarchived on incoming scan.
Allocation by the Prebooks in Units pending Billing option.
Enter Additional Charges in a New Prebook
Create a Prebook.
Click on the + icon, in the Total section under the section General Customer Information.
Click on the Additional Charges link.
Modify the additional charges, in the Additional Charges window.
Click on the Close button.
Click on Save in the section General Prebook Information.
Use the keyboard shortcut Crtl+g to open the Additional Charges window once the Prebook header is saved.
Enter Additional Charges in a New Standing Order
Create a Standing Order.
Click on the link Add additional charges in the Standing Order section.
Modify the amount for the additional charges in the Additional Charges pop-up.
Click on the Close button.
Enter Additional Charges in Existing Prebooks and Standing Orders
Search for an existing Prebook or Standing Order on the Prebook Summary or the Standing Order Summary tabs.
Click on Edit from the Actions column.
Follow the steps abovementioned sections, corresponding to either a Prebook or a Standing Order.