


The system has the ability to automatically calculate the Duties by product category for each port of origin.To enable this option follow these steps:


How do Duties work in the system?

The duties affect the landed cost since it is an additional charge that is added to the product cost. The landed cost is calculated using the following formula:


Product Cost + Freight & Handling + Duties.

All values are on a per unit level.

When you choose "only for Prebooks and Standing Orders", the price remains the same but the duties will automatically appear in the invoice as an additional charge. This will ensure that your customers get billed at the same price for standing orders and prebooks but they will be charged for the duties on a separate line.

For Open Market or Local Market, the system will suggest a price according to the landed cost (duties included) and the GPM. Duties will not appear as an additional charge in the invoice.

When you choose "Always", the duties will be included as an additional charges in a separate line to all cases (Prebooks, Standing Orders, Local or Open Market).


To get the total amount of duties due by product by AWB run the AWB Liquidation Report by going to the Reports tab and click on AWB Reports.

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