How do I know which Prebooks are associated to the Invoice items?

In order to know which Prebooks are associated to the items within an Invoice, go to Order Summary>>Order Summary. Use the available filters to find a given Invoice. Click on the details button. The system will list all the Prebooks associated to the Invoice. If you click on the Prebook number, the system will open the Add Prebook screen, in order to modify the details of the Prebook.

You can also see the Prebooks associated to invoice items in units when adding or editing an already existing invoice. The Prebook number column will appear. Click on it to modify a given Prebook.


  • This option only works if the customer and location of the Prebook match with the customer and location of the Invoice.
  • When several Prebook items in units have been associated to a single item within a Invoice, the system will display three dots after the Prebook number and the mark code.
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