Add Invoice Notes to Prebooks

Add Invoice Notes to Prebooks

In this article, you will learn to add invoice notes to Prebooks.

Roles: Admin, Sales Manager, Allocations, and Procurement Manager.

The notes added to Prebooks are reflected on Invoices once the product is successfully billed.

This option works with this billing methods: Automatic Billing, Allocations, Fill From Open Market and Prebooks in Units Pending Billing.

Add Invoice Notes to Prebooks

To add invoice notes to prebooks, do the following steps:

  1. Go to Prebooks & SO's and select Add Prebook.

  2. Fill in the Prebook information.

  3. Click on Invoice Notes (max. 130 characters).

  4. Click on Save.

  5. Proceed to add the Products.

  6. Click on Add.

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Add notes to the invoices from the Add Prebook screen.

View Invoice Notes

  1. Go to Order Entry and select Add Order.

  2. Enter the Customer Name.

  3. Click on the Order Notes link in the General Customer Information section.

  4. Check the notes related to the Order.

  5. Click on Print in the General Order Information section.

  6. Check the Invoice checkbox.

  7. Select the PDF option in the drop-down menu to the right.

If several Prebooks with notes are associated to an Invoice, the system will consolidate them in different lines.

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Check invoice notes from the Order Entry section.

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