Ship Via Cross-Dock Setup
In this article you will learn what Cross-Dock is and how to set it up for your company.
User roles enabled to perform this action: Admin and Setup.
Once you setup Ship Via Cross-Dock, your Sales Users will be able to select the Ship Via from the Add Prebook and Add Standing Order screens.
What are Cross-Dock Shipments?
Cross-Dock Shipments are a logistics service that involves transferring incoming goods directly to outbound vehicles without intermediate storage. This helps to reduce handling time and streamline the supply chain. It is often used for perishable goods or products with a short shelf life and can also help to reduce costs by eliminating the need for intermediate storage and handling.
You can download a quick start PDF that’ll help you ensure everything is prepared for your Cross-Dock operation here.
Ship Via Cross-Dock is part of the Ship Via Options settings. If you want to learn more about this group of settings, read Inventory Settings: Ship Via Options.
Step one: Enable Cross-Dock Shipping
Go to Setup and select Settings.
Click on Ship Via Options from the Inventory group of settings.
Select Enable Cross-Dock Shipping.
Select the Default Ship Via.
Optional: Enable Receive and Ship in One Scan to process receiving and shipping with one scan of the label.
Click on Save.
Multi-Location Companies: These settings are managed by Location. You can find these settings in Settings > Locations tab.
The Customer information will not be included in the Vendor’s shipping label for cross-dock orders. If you want to include the Customer on the labels, do Step three: Set up Labels.
Step two: Set Financial Settings
To have accurate costs calculated automatically by the system, you must set up the shipping rates from the financial settings. Depending on the type of company, the setup will vary.
Single Location Company Setup
To set the handling costs for Cross-Dock shipments, do the following instructions:
Go to Setup and select Settings.
Click on Financial Settings in the Company Setup group of settings.
Click the AWB Freight / Handling tab.
Click on Set Rates from the Actions column.
Enter the costs for each port in the Handling / FBE Via Warehouse column.
Enter the costs for each port in the Handling / FBE Via Cross-Dock column.
Click on Save.
It is essential to set this costs to enable the system to calculate the correct handling costs when selecting Warehouse or Cross-Dock as a Ship Via.
This setting is only available If the setting Enable Cross-Dock Shipping is enabled.
Multi-Location Company Setup
To set the handling costs for Cross-Dock shipments, do the following instructions:
Go to Setup and select Locations.
Click on Edit in the Location you are setting up.
Click the AWB Freight / Handling tab.
Click on Set Rates from the Actions column.
Enter the costs for each port in the Handling / FBE Via Warehouse column.
Enter the costs for each port in the Handling / FBE Via Cross-Dock column.
Click on Save.
Step three: Set up Labels
You can customize labels for cross-dock shipments to show customer information when your Grower prints the labels for Cross-Dock orders.
To include customer information on cross-dock labels, you must set it up for each vendor by doing the following instructions:
Go to Setup and select Vendors.
Search the Vendor you are modifying.
Click on the button in the Actions column.
Select Edit.
Click on the Options tab.
Click on the checkbox of Show Customer information on Cross-Docking labels.
Click on Save.
The Customer information will be included in the Vendor’s shipping label for cross-dock orders.
When you choose to hide the customer information, your warehouse staff will need to print consignee labels. To learn more about consignee labels, read Print Consignee Labels.
This setting is only available If the setting Enable Cross-Dock Shipping is enabled.
Optional: Receive and Ship in One Scan
Enable warehouse users to complete the receiving and shipping process in a single scan when processing Cross-Dock Orders. If this setting is disabled, warehouse users must scan Cross-Dock Orders like every other order.
To enable this setting, do the following instructions:
Go to Setup and select Settings.
Click on Ship Via Options from the Inventory group of settings.
Select Receive and Ship in One Scan.
Click on Save.
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