Add Customer Notes

Add Customer Notes

In this article you will learn how to add, review, and edit customer notes.

User roles: Accounts Receivables, Administrator, Cashier, Credit Manager, Fullfilment, Inventory, Procurement Manager, Procurement User, Sales, Sales Allocations, and Sales Manager.

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Add Customer Notes

Customer notes enable essential communication between your company.

You can add customer notes from any of the screens in the following modules:

  • A/R

  • Order Entry 

  • Purchase Orders

  • Prebooks & SOs

  • Inventory 

To add a customer note, do the following instructions from any of the aforementioned screens:

  1. Search the customer or order.

  2. Click on the customer’s name from the Customer column.

  3. Click on Customer Details.

  4. Click on the Notes tab.

  5. Add the contact name.

  6. Add the note.

  7. Optional: Check the box to make the note visible only to administrators and accounting users.

  8. Click on Save.

Admin users can edit their own notes and delete notes created by others at any time from the same modal.

If the note contains words such as credit limit, hold, or held it cannot be edited.

When you need to add extra information after the process, add it as a note to have a story telling sequence and deliver information in a easy to follow format.

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The system also allows admin users to add notes and make them visible only for certain roles.
Some of the changes made on a customer account are saved as notes, and authorized users can review them by clicking on the customer name and then clicking the Notes tab.

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