Create Company Users

Create Company Users

In this article, you will learn how to create a Company User to Komet Sales.

User Roles: Administrator and Procurement Manager.

Users can have multiple roles, permissions, and restrictions depending on the administrator's decisions.

Create Company Users

If you want to create or add a Company User to your Komet Sales Account, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to the Setup tab and select Users.

  2. Click on the Add Users green button.

  3. Enter the new user information.

  4. Select the Role, and click on Save.

    • If the system detects the user already has access to other companies within Komet Sales, please enter CONFIRM in the field and choose Continue.

  5. Inform your user they need to activate their account through the email from Komet Sales.

Each role has access to different parts of the system. To learn more, read User Roles.

Add Company Users from the Setup menu and the Users tab.


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Activate a Company User

To activate a Company User, the account administrator must create the user on the app, and Komet sends an email with activation instructions. To learn how to create the user in Komet app, go to the Add Company User section.

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