Override a Credit Limit

Override a Credit Limit

When a customer is over the credit limit, the system will restrict the salesperson whenever they try to create an order for that particular customer by prompting for a credit limit override. This option allows the salesperson to create orders for these customers by getting the credit manager to approve the credit limit override for that particular order, for a specific amount.  Remember that Credit Overrides only works for boxes

Roles enabled to approve credit overrides: Admin, Credit Manager.

How to enable Overrides

This option must be enabled by going to Setup>>Settings>>Credit and Price Overrides (Under the order entry options).

How much credit do I need?

Keep in mind that the system considers the credit limit amount and the open credits that the customer has. If the customer is over the credit limit but has open credits available and the invoice total does not exceed the amount of the open credits, the system won't require a credit limit override.

If the open credits are insufficient to cover the invoice total, the system will require a credit limit override to complete that transaction. The amount requested must be greater than or equal to the total due, including the additional charges.


Overrides for Salespeople

When adding an item to an order for a customer that is over the credit limit, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Order Entry > Add Order, enter the customer's name, and click on Add Items.

  2. Click Add under the Actions column, type the number of boxes requested and click on Add.

  3. The Over Credit Limit window will appear; the salesperson should provide the information requested in order to send the override request to the credit manager:

    • How much is needed? (Optional) : This is the amount of money the salesperson considers needed to complete the order, keeping in mind that this amount must be enough to cover all the items he will add to the order and the additional charges. This amount is optional and can be changed or entered by the Credit Manager.

    • Why? (optional): The salesperson can explain why the Credit Manager should approve the credit limit override for the customer.

  4. Once the salesperson submits the request by clicking on the green "Add" button, a notification will be sent to the Credit Managers with the override information.

    A confirmation window will pop up after the overriding approval is submitted.

    This request will be valid for 30 minutes, meaning that the Credit Manager needs to approve the override for the order within this time frame; otherwise, the salesperson will have to resubmit it.
    While the override is approved, the Salesperson can work on different tabs to process other orders. Still, we recommend you not close the Override confirmation window until the override is approved or the time has elapsed.

  5. After the Override is approved, the salesperson can add products to the order as long as the total does not exceed the requested amount.

Overrides for Credit Managers

When a Salesperson requests a Credit Override, the system will notify the Credit Manager. To approve this request, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to the Overrides link, located in the top right corner of the screen. This opens the Overrides modal, where you can review every pending request.

  2. Optional: You can edit the requested amount. To do that, enter the required amount and hit the enter key to save the new total.

  3. Hover over the Actions column to display the action buttons.

  4. Select if you want to Approve or Reject the request from the Actions column.

Once the override is approved or rejected, the system will notify the Salesperson via email so they can continue with the order. 

You can also click on the notification to access the Overrides Modal.


Get Notified about Override Approvals

If you want to get notified via email when a user approves a Credit Override request, you can enable a user setting called "Notify via email when a Credit Override is approved by somebody else".

Read Setup Company Users & User Options to learn how to activate this setting.


Additional Considerations

  • If Automatic Billing is running and the system encounters an invoice for a customer over the credit limit, it will not generate this invoice, and you will have to create it manually. In this case, the system will notify the Salesperson, so they can be aware of this situation.

  • The Mass Allocation process won't process customer orders over the credit limit. These orders will have to be manually allocated.

  • When a customer who is over the credit limit places an order on the E-commerce portal, the system will display a notification to the customer informing them that the order can't be processed, and an email will be sent to the salesperson so that they can follow up with the customer.

  • If a credit manager or Admin is doing the invoice for the customer, once they are done filling in the override information, they will be able to continue adding items since no approval is required.


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