Receive payments with credit cards from Order Entry

Receive payments with credit cards from Order Entry


When the Clearent Integration is enabled, the system will allow users processing payments with credit cards from the Receive Payment and Order Entry screens. This article explains how to process payments from the Order Entry Screen.


  • This option will only work when the Require Payment Upon Confirmation setting is enabled for a given customer or the setting Allow to receive payment upon confirmation is enabled for the whole company or location, in multilocation companies . Read Receive a payment from Order Entry for further information.
  • Partial Payments are not allowed through this option.
  • You can receive credit card payments in two different ways: In-App (for which we recommend to setup the credit cards per customer) or through a POS Terminals (terminal devices must be set up per location, in multilocation companies).

Credit Card ( In-App)

Credit Card Terminals (POS Devices)

Receive Payments With Credit Cards

This process can also be executed from the Order Summary window when confirming orders. Read the informative note in the article Confirm an Order for further information.

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