Create Future Sales Orders

Create Future Sales Orders

Future sales orders are based on products purchased through a Future Sales Standalone Purchase Order or via a Prebook with a Future Sales customer that has been confirmed by the vendor. For more information, refer to Future Sales Setup.

User Roles: Admin, Allocations, Cashier, Sales, and Sales Manager.

Table of Contents

Create a Future Sales Order

To create an order from the Order Entry module, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Order Entry and select Add Order.

  2. Fill in the order information, and click on Add Items.

  3. Click on Add Items.

  4. Add the items by clicking on the Add option located under the Actions column. If needed, you can edit the prices using the Unit Price field.

  5. The Add Item window will pop up. Set the Truck Date and the number of boxes or units, click on the Add Ship To link, add the Mark Code if needed, and then click on Add.

  6. Once the items have been added, the system will automatically create the Prebook. A message with the Prebook number will pop up on the lower right side of the screen. 

Once the Prebook is generated and the Purchase Order is processed, the goods will arrive at the warehouse. The warehouse will then ship the goods on the date specified in the Prebook. After the goods are confirmed as received in the inventory, an invoice order can be created.

Inventory Rotation

If the Inventory Rotation setting is disabled and customers can view sensitive information, the product's age will be based on the order's ship date. Salespersons should consider this when placing future sales orders.



Unsold Future Inventory Products

If there are remaining units in the Future Inventory, the system will add these unsold products to the inventory and display them in the Pricing > Future Sales screen, just as they appear in the Order Entry > Add Order > Add Future Sales items screen.

When the Sell By Units option is enabled, you can add items to an order in boxes and units. If the content within a box is partially sold, the remaining units will be available in the unit inventory. This will happen if the setting Bill Units as Boxes is disabled.


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