Edit an Invoice

Edit an Invoice

This article explains how to edit Ship To's, Carriers, and Customers on an invoice. When an Invoice is modified it will automatically change its status to Pending to Confirm.

 Table of Contents

Change the Customer of an Invoice

You can change the Customer of an Invoice that has not been paid.

To change the Invoice’s Customer, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Order Entry and select Order Summary.

  2. Search the Invoice you are modifying.

  3. Click on Edit in the Actions column. If the order was confirmed, a confirmation notice will appear. 

  4. Replace de Customer by clicking on the Customer field.

  5. Optional: Enter a new Carrier and Shipping Date. 

  6. Click on Save. The Invoice will be saved with Pending to Confirm status.

When the Customer of an Invoice is modified, the system will automatically recalculate the taxes set up for the new Customer and this could affect the invoice total.

If your company has Multi-Currency enabled, you will not be able to change the Customer on an existing Invoice.

Change the Ship-To of an Invoice

Ship To's are used to associate different locations where the products can be shipped to for a specific customer. Once an invoice has been created, the ship to information can be modified. 

To change the Ship-To of an Invoice, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Order Entry and select Order Summary.

  2. Search the Invoice you are modifying.

  3. Click on Edit in the Actions column.

  4. Notice that this particular invoice has a "Ship To" already associated it; to change it, click on the "Change Ship To" link located on the "General Customer Information" box on the right-hand side of the screen.

  5. Check that all the information is correct and then click on "Save and Use" . 

When you click on Save and Close, the system will only apply the changes to future orders.

Override the Carrier

Users can override the carrier when it comes from a Ship To that was added to an order. This can be done if the setting is enabled. To read more about Order Entry settings, refer to Setup Order Entry Options

To override or change a Carrier, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Order Entry and select Order Summary.

  2. Search the Invoice you are modifying.

  3. Click on Edit in the Actions column.

  4. On the left-hand side of the General Order Information on the "Carrier" field, select the new carrier.

  5. Click on Save.

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